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How To Delegate A License

Users may have purchased a node license but do not want to run their own node, for a variety of reasons. If this is the case, they can delegate their nodes to an active node operator.

Alternatively, a user may have bought several licenses. For greater ease of management and reduced costs, they can run one node and delegate the remaining licenses to themselves.

How To Delegate Your Node

You can delegate your node license using the Delegation Portal. This lists active nodes, displays their status, and provides information about recent uptime and existing delegations, as well as the fees they charge (initially in points, and in $FUSE after Ember's launch) for delegation.

License holders can delegate to any active node operator, and can revoke their delegation at any time. Users with multiple licenses can delegate them to more than one operator.

Deciding which node to delegate your license to entails balancing different concerns such as uptime (which maximizes earnings and reliability), existing delegations (selecting a node with fewer delegations is better for network decentralization), and fees.

If a node goes temporarily offline or becomes permanently inactive, they stop earning points/$FUSE, and so delegators also stop earning. It is therefore important to check the Delegation Portal regularly to ensure that your operator remains active.

Revoke Delegation

Within the Delegation Portal, you'll see a Revoke button alongside other information about each node you are managing. This enables users to revoke delegation of their nodes to an operator, so they can be delegated to another. Both delegation and revoking take a short period of time to complete (typically up to five minutes), but there is no lengthy withdrawal period, so nodes can quickly be re-delegated.